12V CFL-LED Emergency Light Circuit Using 3525 IC | Mini Inverter Circuit

12V CFL-LED Emergency Light Circuit Using 3525 IC | Mini Inverter Circuit

Circuit Diagram

12V CFL-LED Emergency Light Circuit Using 3525 IC

This circuit is used to drive a regular a/c cfl bulb or a LED bulb upto 32 watts. You can try it by using bulbs with higher watts or changing the transformer. The output of sg3525 is fed to the transformer through two Mosfets.

Pinout diagram of SG3525

Pinout diagram of IRZ44

IRFZ44 Pinout

Circuit Working

The circuit is pretty simple and is based on an SG3525 controlling pulse width modulator IC that runs a couple of MOSFETs and a push-pull step-up transformer. The capacitor at pin 5 and the resistor at pin 6 set the on-chip frequency. The frequency of the output is cut in half by an internal flip-flop, and the flip-flop's output drives buffers that can source or sink more than 200mA. The two MOSFETs Q1 and Q2 are driven by the buffer's output at pins 11 and 14. The high output current is perfect for quickly charging and discharging the MOSFET gate capacitances, which makes for fast switching times. This means that the MOSFETs work well and lose little power. The step up push-pull transformer is powered by MOSFETs. AC energy is sent from the transformer to a bridge rectifier, which turns it into DC voltage. The transformer is connected to a bridge rectifier to convert the AC voltage to DC voltage.

Parts Required


R1- 4.7K
R2- 18K
R3- 4.7K
R4- 22E
R5- 22E
R6- 10K
R7- 10K


C1- 0.001 uF (102)
C2- 100uF/25V
C3- 4.7 uF/25V
C4- 0.001 uF (102) 1Kv


U1- SG3525
L1- Choke (100 uH)
T1 – CFL Transformer (EE28)
MOSFET (Q1 & Q2) – IRF540/ IRFZ44/ P55NF06
Diode (BR) – D1-D4 – BA159
Fuse (F1) – 1A
Battery – 12V or Two 6V Battery in series or Three 4V battery in series.
We can increase the backup duration by using 12v batteries of higher amperes.

The circuit does not include a charging section. Tested up to 32 Watts cfl bulb without any heat sink. We can also use a company make LED bulbs.Can also charge mobile or tabs. Requires 12v battery of any ampere. We can also use computer ups battery.

Readymade Kit

12V CFL-LED Emergency Light Circuit Using 3525 IC | Readymade Kit

Connection Details

We can use either LED or CFL bulb12V CFL-LED Emergency Light Circuit Using 3525 IC | Connection Details Of The Readymade Kit